Rolling in the weed

This past weekend, M treated us to a show or two in Las Vegas. We saw RuPaul’s Drag Race Live, including a very welcome appearance by Lawrence Chaney (there were others as well, including Pangina). It was a good show, and was very well staged. All queens had a scene where they appear from theContinue reading Rolling in the weed


The Twitter account known as SwiftOnSecurity deleted a short thread of tweets today stating that the vast majority of 4K resolution laptop screens could be scaled down to 1080p. This would improve performance owing to the reduction in pixels being refreshed, and those users would scarcely notice the difference. Swift was referring to a display’sContinue reading Enhance

Five things

(I’m blaming Jason for this.) 1. Kondo Living There’s a Netflix show I haven’t yet seen about a certain Marie Kondo, who cleans your house by saying if something doesn’t spark joy, you should get rid of it. Folks were happy with her getting rid of shoes, but apparently there was a stink when sheContinue reading Five things

Goodbye Twitter

I deactivated my main Twitter account today, after renaming it, downloading my data, and taking one of my existing spare accounts and setting it to the old name in order to preserve my “brand” (ugh). In early 2017 I did something similar with another Twitter account. That time though I didn’t ignore the siren song,Continue reading Goodbye Twitter


Last year, my friend Sarah Gibbs was telling us a funny story about something that happened to her when she worked in a bookstore. That and two other embarrassing anecdotes made me want to make them into a trio of short films. As luck would have it, Sarah decided to leave Canada in September toContinue reading SUBURBAN TRAUMA is a go